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A fast and effective way to get the smooth skin you want! Using the award-winning hard wax Relax & Wax and anti-septic ingredients give you the best in hair removal results. Sanitation is my top priority, so there’s no double-dipping. This assures bacteria-free treatments resulting in little-to-no post-waxing ingrown hairs. My waxing protocols provide the most comfortable and effective treatments available.



Important: If you find that your pain tolerance is lower than average, you may take a pain reliever 30 minutes prior to your service. We provide a topical numbing agent if desired, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your service for application. Disposable panties and wipes are provided for all bikini waxing services. Please refrain from vigorous exercise and extreme heat for 24 hours after waxing. Exfoliating with PFB Vanish is recommended to keep ingrown hairs away! 

Big Swish_Cynthia Aesthetics_Brooklyn, N
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